
Case Management

Case Management

Case management consists of services which help beneficiaries gain access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services. “Targeted” case management services are those aimed specifically at special groups of enrollees such as those with developmental disabilities or chronic mental illness. This service is for you if you are looking for linkage and referral to community resources such as; food, transportation, housing, emergency funding, employment and other services.

  • Is a partnership between the client and case worker
  • Is time limited
  • Ensures available resources are efficiently accessed and used in a timely and cost effective manner
  • Involves all responsible parties in all phases of the process – assessment, planning, problem solving and identification of resources

Who benefits from Case Management?

  • Individuals with Intellectual and Related Disabilities
  • At Risk Children
  • Adults with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness
  • At Risk Pregnant Women and Infants
  • Individuals with Psychoactive Substance Disorder
  • Individuals with Head and Spinal Cord Injuries and Related Disabilities
  • Individuals with Sensory Impairments
  • Adults with Functional Impairments
Determines the types of services and activities that are needed including medical, educational, social or other services
Development of a plan to include goals and activities and course of action to address needs of client
Assist the client in obtaining needed services, including scheduling appointments with appropriate providers
Ensuring the CMP is effectively implemented and adequately addresses the needs of the client
Case Management services

Where We Serve

Founder and President, Clarence Sutton, created CTS through his vision of improving the quality of life for children who have experienced unfortunate situations beyond their control. Clarence’s passion for fostering and restoring a child’s belief in his/her potential has continued to be a motivating factor in the agency's and staff's best practices.